Year 9 Science

Course Description

Year 9 Science covers a diversity of science topics, including topics in: Biology; Chemistry; Physics.  Topics covered include:  Scientific investigation skills; Space Science; Energy; aspects of New Zealand Ecology.

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 9 Science is preceded by short science rotations in Years 7 and 8.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

• 1 x 1B5 exercise book
• Pens and pencils
Course Cost $12.50


Assessment Information

As this course eventually leads to specialist senior Sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, Year 9 Science represents a foundation course for any student interested in a career in the applied sciences or further study at the Tertiary level. As a subject, Science provides students with the essential scientific literacy required for participation and proficiency in any trade.


Southland Boys' High School endeavours to timetable courses depending on students' needs, interests and future plans.  Many factors can influence whether a course is able to be offered in the following year.  These can include:

  • Student demand
  • Staff availability
  • Resourcing

These factors can also impact on timetabling, and as a result students will be asked for input about any clashes that may occur.

Where a course is not able to be run, students' back-up subjects will be used.  If there are issues with student selections and the timetabling process, students will have the opportunity to make a decision in conjunction with staff input on the best solution.