Southland Boys’ High School Southland Boys’ High School

NCEA Level 1 English Knowledge

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. Hepburn.

Recommended Prior Learning

Satisfactory completion of the Year 10 English programme.

This course is based on Internal Assessment only.  There will be no examinations.  There will be opportunities to develop literacy skills through the study of Aotearoa/New Zealand Literature.  The required Literacy credits are available in this course.  Literacy refers to knowledge and capabilities in reading and writing that enable learners to access further learning, develop life skills, engage in employment and their communities. This course explores New Zealand literature including film, short stories, novels, blogs and instagrams. At Year 11 English is compulsory. There are 20 credits available - 10 Internal and 10 External.

This course gives you a pathway to 12 EnglishK and in special circumstances to 12 EnglishX.  For 12 EnglishK it is recommended that you have at least one CAA, two internals and one external.

Learning Areas:



NCEA Level 2 English Knowledge

Career Pathways

Cook, Holiday Park Manager, Sales Representative, Accountant, Auditor, Diversional and Recreational Therapist, Actor, Actuary, Acupuncturist, Office Administrator, Finance Manager, Receptionist, Advertising Specialist, Copywriter, Sales and Marketing Manager, Survey Technician, Aeronautical Engineer, Aeroplane Pilot, Registered Nurse, Air Force Aviator

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

• 1 x 1B8 exercise book
• 1 x L shaped pocket


Southland Boys' High School endeavours to timetable courses depending on students' needs, interests and future plans.  Many factors can influence whether a course is able to be offered in the following year.  These can include:

These factors can also impact on timetabling, and as a result students will be asked for input about any clashes that may occur.

Where a course is not able to be run, students' back-up subjects will be used.  If there are issues with student selections and the timetabling process, students will have the opportunity to make a decision in conjunction with staff input on the best solution.