Southland Boys’ High School Southland Boys’ High School

NCEA Level 2 Agricultural and Horticultural Science

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr C. Boyce.

Recommended Prior Learning

Farming experience or L1AGH would be helpful

Agriculture and Horticultural Science is a subject which introduces students to careers in New Zealand’s primary sector.  It provides a range of pathways towards further study and / or employment.

Learning Areas:

Primary Industries

Assessment Information

Total of 20 credits made up of 1 external (4 credits) and 4 internals (16 credits) with excellence endorsement.

Separate agricultural and horticultural science achievement standards pathways:

• Extended investigation.
• Advanced plant propagation techniques.
• Physical factors affecting growth.
• Plant management practices.
• Livestock behaviour and management practices.
• Livestock growth and development.


NCEA Level 3 Agri-Business, NCEA Level 3 Agricultural and Horticultural Science

Career Pathways

Agricultural/Horticultural Scientist, Agricultural/Horticultural Consultant, Beekeeper, Aquaculture Farmer, Marine Biologist, Farmer/Farm Manager, Deckhand, Fishing Skipper, Farm Assistant, Diver, Dairy Farmer, Crop Worker, Crop Farmer/Manager, Wool Classer, Forest Manager, Forestry and Logging Worker, Hunter/Trapper, Agricultural/Horticultural Field Representative, Horse Trainer, Veterinarian, Nursery Grower/Worker, Shearer, Orchard Farmer/Manager, Dairy Herd Manager, Dairy Farm Assistant, Dairy Farm Manager, Sharemilker, Viticulturist

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

• 1 x 1B5 exercise book.
• Costs associated with field trips throughout the year.

Description Type Value
Overalls Non-Voluntary $75.00


Southland Boys' High School endeavours to timetable courses depending on students' needs, interests and future plans.  Many factors can influence whether a course is able to be offered in the following year.  These can include:

These factors can also impact on timetabling, and as a result students will be asked for input about any clashes that may occur.

Where a course is not able to be run, students' back-up subjects will be used.  If there are issues with student selections and the timetabling process, students will have the opportunity to make a decision in conjunction with staff input on the best solution.